《算法竞赛入门经典》 exercise 1
习题2-9 分数化小数
输入正整数a,b,c, 输出a/b的小数形式,精确到小数点后c位,a,b <= 10^6 c <=100, 例如 a=1 b=6 c=4 时输出为0.1667
这里其实用到了一个printf的用法,具体请看C API of Printf
Precision: The precision begins with a dot (.) to distinguish itself from the width specifier. The precision can be given as a decimal value or as an asterisk (). If a is used, then the next argument (which is an int type) specifies the precision. Note: when using the * with the width and/or precision specifier, the width argument comes first, then the precision argument, then the value to be converted. Precision does not affect the c type.
1 | printf ("%.*lf\n", c, (double)a/b);
习题2-10 排列
用1,2,3,···,9 组成 3 个三位数 abc,def和ghi,每个数字恰好使用一次,要求abc:def:ghi=1:2:3。输出所有解。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 | int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int a, digitChar; char* pos; char str[10]; for (a = 102; a < 329; ++a) { sprintf(str, "%d%d%d", a, a*2,a*3); for(digitChar = '1'; digitChar <='9'; ++digitChar){ pos = strchr(str, digitChar); if(pos == NULL) // not found such digit break; } if (pos != NULL) printf ("%d %d %d\n", a, a*2, a*3); } return 0; } |